Weird about the husband ...

He claims to have been on the island twelve years before but:

- He was pronouncing the name of the island incorrectly, and his wife teased him about that once or twice.

- When he rented the boat and asked whether there was any place to stay on the island, the boat guy said there was only one place and anyone who had ever visited the island would know that.

- There were phones on the island, contrary to what the husband evidently told his wife.

- When they were walking down the street, he missed the hotel (which he should have known the location of, if he had visited the island before) and it was his wife who spotted it.

- His story about villagers holding festivals on the other side of the island seemed forced, and made up on the spot.

I do not believe the husband was in on anything. So how to explain the points above?

As a simple tourist, did he just want to visit the island and did he just pretend to have visited the island before, and liked it, in order to get his wife to make the long boat trip?

Because I can see how anyone, let alone a pregnant woman nearing the end of her term, would be unwilling to make a four hour boat trip just to satisfy someone else's whim.

And then, once they got there and found things not quite as he said, was he just making up excuses?


It is like you read my mind. I had the same exact questions while watching.



I thought it was weird how he kept leaving his wife alone after finding the first couple bodies, then left her with the dad they meet. Oh yeah then throwing the machine gun and running. Great idea


Yes, exactly, the minute he threw that thing down, I thought, oh, man, you are totally going to regret that decision.

And yes, staying on the island after the first few bodies were found, and especially after the discussion with the man who went off to his doom with his daughter, was just plain stupid.


Gun was empty. Why would he keep carrying it, to use as a club? At full auto guns fire multiple rounds per second, and he didn't have extra ammunition. He emptied the weapon into the crowd and then booked it.


Yes, Tom said he had visited the island 12 years earlier, but does he ever state why he visited the island? Did he just go there by himself on holiday? Did he go with a group of people on some sort of university field trip or a scientific expedition? Maybe they were doing a study of why so many of the children on the island looked so freaky?!?

If that was the case maybe they set up some sort of camp somewhere on the island and so didn't stay in the (pretty small) pension. As for the phones, Tom does say there were none on the island those 12 years ago, but he suggests that they must have installed a local telephone system since he visited.

His story about the festivals being held on the other side of the island may have had a kernel of truth to it but, it was made up on the spot. He was taking a guess as to why the village was so deserted to reassure his wife.

The mispronunciation of the name of the island is curious though. Tom, although not a fluent Spanish speaker, does seem to speak the language to some degree. Unlike his wife, who it is clear speaks no Spanish. You would of thought he would know some of the basics of Spanish grammar and knew to pronounce the z in
Almanzora in the same way it is pronounced for Zaragoza.

Perhaps the group leader he travelled to the island with on this hypothetical field trip continually mispronounced the name of the island and Tom never heard anyone correct him.

And yes Tom did seem to empty the machine-gun hence why he discarded it, he of course forgot to pick up the revolver that the little boy dropped into the cell though.
Sparks Moran: "It was dusk. I could tell 'cause the sun had gone down"


And yes Tom did seem to empty the machine-gun hence why he discarded it, he of course forgot to pick up the revolver that the little boy dropped into the cell though.

Thanks for clarifying this. I always thought he threw the gun because he thought he was out of danger. It would have been best to go for a swim. He would have reached the police boat and alerted them.
