anyone else?

i was obsessed with this movie as a kid. weird.
it was a mix of buried treasure/mark twain/wild west/pirates - everything from all my favorite books thrown together, and set in my native state!


I was the exact same way...i thought it was pretty cool when they came out with pirates of the caribbean but movies of today are just different compared to a movie like this. Without the special effects and things like me its just a way better movie. I watched this one over and over again. those guys with the masks scared the crap out of me especially the part with the skull on that stick


Loved loved loved this movie as a kid. Until Star Wars came along, buried treasure/pirates/etc. were big on my and my friends' lists when it came to playing together. It didn't hurt that I had just moved from SoCal, where I grew up with Pirates of the Caribbean and the lure of the seashore to St. Louis, close enough to Hannibal to get me interested in Mark Twain. The movie fused it all into one adventure.

I snatched up the VHS in the mid 90s and have watched it a few times - probably wouldn't enjoy it as much if I didn't remembered it from my childhood. Missed the chance to pick up the DVD a month or so ago (for $7! what was I thinking?!) but can still get thru Disney Movie Club.

"My brain rebelled, and insisted on applying logic where it was not welcome."


it was on sale on dvd???!?!?! where? sad...


It's available as a DVD from Disney Movie Club as a Disney Exclusive


I thought this film was a lot of fun. Peter Ustinov in particular was a real treat as flamboyant quack medicine man Dr. Ewing T. Snodgrass.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


agreed. love his claims to help 'the poor unfortunates along the river'


Was this the movie where the mosquitoes come at dusk and might drain them alive? That is all I remember. Saw it in the theater, I was probably 8. I have remembered the title for 35 years. Must have made an impression, like the apple dumpling gang and the one with the Camels in the old west.


Yes, this is the one with the mosquitoes. I hate that scene--mosquitoes seem to be drawn to me whenever I go outside; I can't imagine what canoeing through the Everglades would be like with that many buzzing around!
