What Happened to Ty?

The cage of the pet lizard is shown empty, with the bars all bent up. What happened to the little fella?

Did he escape?

Did the beast free him? For what? Was he killed?

Did Paul and Ty somehow unite (like in The Fly) through the moons radiation? If so, then wouldn't each occurrence of a moon beast require both a moon rock and a lizard?

Help me out here, folks.


"Tie is with jacket."

It wants no straps. - Karl



Presumably it's a poorly set up red herring to lead you to think the monster might have something to do with Ty. Which makes no sense, because there is no mystery about the monster. It's never set up as anything but "Paul gets hit in the head with a moon rock (Oh wow!) which causes him to turn into a werelizard". Just one element out of many in this movie that doesn't go anywhere.
