This guy *SPOILERS*

Was one of the most cold blooded proficient killers I've ever seen on screen. And smart too devilishly smart. The Phantom Killer was smarter than most serial killers right up there with the Night Stalker, the Zodiac Killer, Jack the Ripper and the Boston Strangler (the real killer George Nasar not Albert DeSalvo) who were also never punished for their crimes. He knew his business he could have been a top notch hitman if he wasn't so crazy. Always wore a mask, gloves, and used a silenced handgun unlike most serial killers who do not use firearms not because they don't like them but because they cannot afford them plus they make loud noises. It was also interesting that he was a sadist and perversely driven by sex (like most serial killers) but not interested in raping just torture and killing because it thrilled him. I bet if he was still alive when this movie came out he got a real kick out of the attention so many years later. He could be alive and moved on, he could be in jail, he could have drowned in the swamps, he could have died from NC, or he could be living in Texarkana right now. I just wish they would have caught him because he was one sick cookie.


its so scary that he was never caught...what a freaky looking killer, the hood is so eerie, with the dark eyeholes, i would LOVE to see a modern remake of this has all the hallmarks of a classic horror story

1 its a true story
2 it happened in the 1940's, total film noir feeling to it
3 the killers costume was FREAKY
4 the killer was calculated and cunning ie, chasing the woman across the fields
5 THEY NEVER CAUGHT HIM.... would make such a good film again


plus the movie killer was better then alot of horror movie killers, because the guy was mortal. he knew when to attack and when not to attack (like when the old guy was armed with a shotgun tending to the girl in one of the last attacks)

wonder what ever happened to the real "phantom killer"

Formally known as BlckDmnd04


I think this case and the Zodiac case in California in the 1960s/70s are connecticed.

- both wore pillows over their heads.
- both used silenced pistols.
- both evaded capture.
- both cases remain unsolved as of 2006.


Good theory but the zodiac weared a exocutioners mask wich kinda looks like a pillow.
