MovieChat Forums > The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976) Discussion > Original U.S. release date? + Widescreen...

Original U.S. release date? + Widescreen DVD!

I've seen conflicting dates here regarding the American premiere of TTTDS; some have stated '1976', yet another insisted it was released in the first half of 1977. Hell, Sam Arkoff's autobiography even listed the year of release as being in '77, but I'm certain I first saw the trailer for this sometime in the Summer of 1976, along with the trailer for Car Wash, when I was taken to see In Search of Noah's the tender age of six. Honestly, the trailers that opened ISONA were more memorable than the movie itself.

Anybody else out there remember this having a debut in the Summer of '76, or was I just dreaming that?

Plus, after years of waiting in vain for MGM, or whoever owns the rights to TTTDS, to release it on widescreen DVD, I finally managed to come across a surprisingly decent 2.35:1 DVD of the film, uncut, English audio w/o subtitles, at a site called They also sent me a DVD of the 1974 Jan-Michael Vincent flick Buster And Billie, for free, when I placed my order.



The movie was filmed sometime during the summer and autumn of 1976 and was released sometime in February 1977 as I just confirmed it in the book 'Screen World 1978, Volume 29'.
