MovieChat Forums > The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976) Discussion > Friday the 13th part 2 references.

Friday the 13th part 2 references.

-Obviously the sack the killer wears to hide his identy. Jason wears the same in part 2.
-The opening sequence where we see the killer walking at night, we can only see his legs. The jeans, the shoes, the sequence is almost exactly the same as in Friday part 2.
-The killer's body moves. The actor who played Jason in part 2 was clearly inspired by The Phantom Killer.

I wonder if this movie really inspired Steve Miner or Sean S. Cunningham by creating Friday the 13th part 2. Any thoughts?

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


you couldn't be more right. but i could.


On the trivia for Friday the 13th Part II, it's stated that Jason's outfit was inspired or, maybe, lifted from this movie. I don't know if it inspired the movie, but his look was definately a knock off. In fact, Jason was never scarrier than when he looked like the Phantom Killer.


i just saw the trailer. I've never seen this movie. but it reminded me of jason in friday the part 2. with the bag over his head LOL!!


I think the reason Jason is scary with the bag on his head is because you can see his eyes (though that didn't work for Michael Meyers in HALLOWEEN II).

I haven't seen TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN but I remember the video art always looked creepy for that reason.


Friday the 13th part II "borrowed" from several movies i guess, there also scenes in lifted almost shot-per-shot from Bava's "Bay of Blood."


Sack-man Jason was obviously ripped off from this film. It certainly did inspire the creators -- plagarism if I ever saw it.

I still liked F13 2 better than TTTDS though. TTTDS did have that disgusting woods moment that was freakier than anything in F13 2 just because it really happened.


There is NO QUESTON that Miner didn't take from Bay of Blood and this move to create the sequal to Friday the 13th. In which that movie took from Pyscho and The Last house on the Left. I though it was quit intersting to see the credits to Last House on the Left to see that Craven, Cunningham and Minor all worked on it. Craven was much more of a visonary I guess than his two side kicks since Last House was pretty mind blowing at the time. I like the first 4 fridays alot and it doesn't bother me that they borrowed alot of ideas to creat those fun, tense and campy movies.


Just cause Craven gets directing credit on Last House doesn't make Cunningham and Minor side kicks.

I feel the 2nd friday is its best cause they try and piece it together as a potential true story and that his character like that of the hooded killer in the town.. is a real person who is messed up and looks to kill teenage girls and their unfortunate boyfriends.

The true similarities between Craven, Cunningham and Minor was that some of their best characters were real or at their best when they were real and could strike at any time.



Actually Friday The 13th part 2 references THIS film not the other way around! I love The Town That Dreaded Sundown! :-)
