Remake In The Works 2011

Damn!!! There goes my hope for trying to make a remake to this film.I had tone and atmosphere down to a T.I wanted to make it low budget.Man I just know this remake is going to suck.Sadly enough one of my favorite horror films to get remade.





I full support this remake. The first movie should never have been made with such a low budget. Not to mention, the cast is hokey, the murders are brutally contrived, and overall make the story come across as "dread"fully trite. In fact, from what I have studied of the Phantom Killer, this movie completely negates any seriousness and thought that actually went into the killings.

So, for 2011, I am looking forward to the new one.


Yea but it's in 3D, isn't that sort of exploitation of the victims and the town that suffered from the fear?


Look at it this way, it's an opportunity for the original to finally hit DVD!


Yea but it's in 3D, isn't that sort of exploitation of the victims and the town that suffered from the fear?

Not when Hollywood sees the dollar sign. Very much so, but naturally Hollywood has to take an INTERESTING real case and rape it with washed up actors and 'twists', let alone 3d. Making it in 3d is sort of a slap in the face to the victims family members by borderline glamorizing the events. Not to mention they'll probably screw it up, too.


I really really REALLY like this film.I think it is truly a great piece in Horror cinema.But I just know it's going to suck.I hope and pray to god this gets a really good release.


quote: Not when Hollywood sees the dollar sign. Very much so, but naturally Hollywood has to take an INTERESTING real case and rape it with washed up actors and 'twists', let alone 3d. Making it in 3d is sort of a slap in the face to the victims family members by borderline glamorizing the events. Not to mention they'll probably screw it up, too.

I agree. I hope the remake gets cancelled.

You can't swing a dead cat in hollywood without hitting someone with a vampire script


My man there is NO remake in the works. The film you are talking about is a movie about Vampires in 3-d with the same title . Plot outline from IMDB PRO

A town is overtaken by Vampires in 3D


LOL! what a relieve. sucks that they have the same name tho.

You can't swing a dead cat in hollywood without hitting someone with a vampire script


highschool thanks i just found that out and came to report on that.I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief on that one.

We still need a dvd release though.


Id like to see a DVD at least (kicking myself for not buying a cheap video copy in a room full of vids 4 sale during the dying days of VHS)

A remake would probably be good though. Drop the goofy bits (cops in drag etc)

Even just to see a poster at the multiplex with sackface on it with the words `Hes still out there` ...


Its not a remake. However I DO think someone should retell this story, but not as a *beep* horror remake.

"The more real things get, the more like myths they become. " R.W. Fassbinder


They should make a new movie about The Phantom Killer.

If you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. The devil changes you.
