The Trombone Scene

Ok. I had a print of the movie that was a bit dark so I was wondering about the trombone scene. Can someone explain it to me? How was he killing the girl. I think the movie, though pretty weak in spots, captured the sexual deviation of the killer pretty effectively...this guy reminded me a bit of the BTK killer. Could the phantom have been a policeman or something?


He tied his knife to the trombone slide. While acting like he was playing it, he would stab her. In the true story, Betty Jo Hooker played the saxaphone in a band but wasn't killed with it. The first female victim was raped with the barrel of the Phantom's pistol, though. She survived the attack. It was her and her boyfriend who described the phantom's hooded look. Betty Jo, the sax player was killed, along with her date. The killer wasn't ever convicted of murder but it's believed that Youell Swinney, a car thief, was the killer. He had several pieces of info that only the cops and the killer knew. He served over 20 years for car theft, but nothing for the murders because there wasn't enough evidence.


Thanks! Yeah, I was reading about Swinney yesterday on a Phantom website. Seems like he is the most likely killer but that kind of ruins the mystery I guess...


I don't think Swinney was the killer, he knew alot of intimate details. However with the way the investigation was handled he could have been walking in the crime scenes. Lone Wolf was nothing more than a media hound and would let the media into the crime scenes before they were close to being cleared.

Nobody mentions the 19yo who committed suicide in Nov 1946 in Fayetteville in his letter he confessed to killing Booker and Martin and told of some intimate details.

The murder of Booker to me is the key to the entire case for some reason her murder was the most brutal and the circumstances are strange. Her death is alos the most recogonized. She was the youngest victim at only 15 years, so this could have something to do with it.

Reading stories about her, many of her friends said her and Mr. Martin were not lovers but old friends and she told several she was almost scared of him. She felt obligated to go with him that night because of her families friendship with his family. They were basically in the middle of town at the time in an area that was being patroled every 15 to 20 minutes. The car was found about 400 yard north of the main gates to Spring Lake Park. Her body was found nearly 2 miles to the northwest near what is now Fernwood Dr. His body was found about a mile north near Cork lane. They were over a mile apart. This makes me think there could have been a second attacker.


The distance between the bodies....

My take was always that one was being killed & the other was merely running for life but that the killer caught up. Or, it was a game of the psycho... as in, kill the first.... then tell the second he'll give the kid a headstart running of maybe 60 seconds before he comes after with the gun to kill.

In either case, I think the second victim was running and being chased ... maybe because the victim knew the killers identity.... or maybe just because the killer didn't want to be identified..... or maybe just to kill. But I think there was a foot chase.


So the trombone scene is artistic license and didn't happen? The psychologist, later in the movie, refers to the trombone.
I must say it is a bizarre scene and difficult to imagine it was real.


I'm wacthing the film at the moment - just saw the Trombone scene and came on here to see if anyone else commented on it. I have mixed feelings about thsi thread - I am at once really pleased to see that the scene has sparked some geinuine conversation, and simultaneously I feel thoroughly ashamed that I found teh scene jaw-droppingly hilarious. I've seen a lot of horror, but I can honestly say I've not seen anyone tromboned to death before. Awesome.


i know it was really one of the dumbest stupidest death scenes i've EVER seen in a horror film. now if it had been done in real life than that would be a bit different.
