Ginger Tanton is my Mother

Ginger Tanton is my mother. If anybody wants to discuss the making of this movie, please post a message.



i'm really curious about your post...see, my name is ginger tanton. what connection does that have with the movie? :-D


Ginger, I wonder if there is any chance that this movie will make it to DVD sometime?


When was the movie shot? I know it was released in '77 but when did they begin filming?


I was in first grade at Nash Elementary when this was filmed. I remember not being able to go to Spring Lake Park because they were filming. At least that is what my mom told me. This would have been 1975. I don't know when in '75 because I was 6 and had no real concept of time.


Since the scenery was green with lush vegetation, I would imagine they filmed in April or May of 1975.
