how much Arnold??

I'm a huge fan of Schwarzenegger --- I love every single one of his movies --- I've seen ALL of them, except this ---- this is the only Arnold vehicle I haven't experienced --- is it worth the purchase for Arnold alone?? in other words, would the movie good enough to buy even if there wasn't any Arnold?


It's slow in some parts, pretty good in others. This is the sort of movie that's not good enough that a lot of people will like it but not bad enough that it won't have some fans.


thanks for your response, man! I'll check the film out -- I'm sure I'll enjoy it!



Hi Bring Back Pluto !!

How are you ?

I know you wrote this a long time ago but..

Have you finally seen the movie ?

If yes, how did you find it ?

I agree with the guy who replied to you. The movie is quite slow sometimes, enjoyable sometimes also.

I grew up in the 80's and so Arnold Schwarzenegger is a big influence to me even if I don't think he was a very good actor. Even now as an adult, I sometime look like him or act like him when I do something naturally. I don't look like him (even if I have the same height he had) but I do grimaces like him sometimes :-p I can tell how influenceable I'm and so must be a lot of persons.

My all time favourite movie with Arnold is the "T2" for sure!

I'm a bodybuilder myself (but natural) and I always think about him when working out. I don't mean I do it on purpose but it is marked in my mind I guess.. :-p

Anyway, I have my own personality of course but Arnold has been (and still is) an actor and a person I have pleasure to watch (I'm not talking about the political person, I don't care about it & I'm not interested about it).

IMDB says he's 6'2 which is wrong to me. He never was 6'2. Of course he's now in his 60's so he's not as tall as he used to be. But I know for sure he was 6'1. We see that he his the same height as Jeff Bridges (who is in the movie), and Jeff also is 6'1 tall.

What's your opinion about it ?

Take care man, I hope to read from you soon.

Hasta la vista, baby ;-)

*Lord of Movies*


The coolest Arnold thing on the DVD is the director's little intro video, in which he said he remembers Arnie being very confident about becoming governor of California... when they were shooting back in 1975.
