Led Zep Ruled the 1970's

But with the tragic death of Plant's son & later on his bandmate Bonham, Led zep vanishes from the 80's music scene



Yes, that and the fact that Punk Rock took over. That's the reason they didn't tour again in '81 (?).


when's VH1 putting together "When Led Zeppelin Ruled the World"



Yeah--it says that John Bonham died in 1980 and so did Lennon.

"Awful good cereal flakes Mrs. McDonough!"


Yes, it's a coincidence. But do you notice it seems to have triggered the end of all that was great in music? The music that came out from 1980 on was mostly corporate garbage, with maybe 3 or 4 exceptions (I dare not name them for fear of insults from some musical idiot). Am I right?


You got a good point.


"when's VH1 putting together "When Led Zeppelin Ruled the World" "

If you ask me, they still rule the world.

I remember when Robert Plant performed on the Conan O'Brien show just a week or so ago, and he got huge applause from the audience.

Few artists can achieve the staying power like LZ did.


I don't think so. Punk is cool, for what it's worth. But the upstart punk bands circa 1980 could never dream of achieving the lofty heights of success that Zeppelin had reached by 1980. Punk was no threat at all to Zeppelin.

They threw in the towel when John Bohnam died, to their eternal credit. They said they could never be the same band with another drummer.



They were rehearsing for a U.S. tour when Bonham died in September of 1980. Within weeks of Bonham's death, the surviving members released a press statement that the band was breaking up for good. Hence no more tours (until Page & Plant many years later).


It seems like all of the other 70s bands as well as Queen got that same disease in the 80s. The 80s ruined rock and roll, turning it into retro pop crap. Praise the Lord that He put Zeppelin to rest before the musical depression of the 80s, which I think Michael Jackson started. He's the one that started the pop revolution, and then pop seeped its way into rock and roll.


Before Punk there was that 'hideous' moster known as 'Disco'! ACK! Heck even the Grateful Dead did a 'disco' type song in 'Shakedown Street' Then all of sudden we had 'The Sex Pistol's and The Ramones et. al. While 'never' a punk fan,...it was 1000 times better than 'any' disco song. Rod Stewart even got 'bit' by the disco monster in 'Do Ya' Think I'm Sexy' ARGH! In the process he lost alot of fans, me included.
Thank The 'God's' Zep never delved into this 'crap' that so many (including Queen) fell victim to. But yes;...Zeppelin 'retired' when Bonzo died, end of story. But nothing has screwed up Rock music like Rap/Hip-Hop. Too me it's just as bad if not worse than disco,...both genre's were pretty much based on a particular type of sound,...with very distinctive beats,...as to me every crap/rap song sounds the same as does disco.
I'm just glad I lived through the 60's and 70's when Led Zeppelin were the Kings and swung their awesome Hammer of the Gods!

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!

