MovieChat Forums > Shout at the Devil (1976) Discussion > ACT-E cable station 155 minute version

ACT-E cable station 155 minute version

ACT-E cable station is showing a 155 minute version in June, 2008. I have no idea which cut this is, but it is over 2 1/2 hours long!


Can you record this version on a DVD-R, and maybe we can arrange a deal?


How did this turn out? What was added? Did the Germans speak German dubbed or English? Did you record it?


I'd really like to know too :)


Encore Action channel, station 532 on DirecTV, gives 155 minutes:

Shout at the Devil
Thu, Nov 13, 7:45 AM
Run Time: 155 min.

All Listings
255 MGMHD Tue 11/11 6:00 AM
532 ENCR5 Thu 11/13 7:45 AM
532 ENCR5 Sat 11/22 8:00 AM

I do not assume this means Encore is showing a 155 minute version. From past experience, I know part of this time will be taken up by previews of upcoming films shown on the channel. For this reason I normally come here to figure out what setting I should use when I want to record something.

This site shows 3 versions of the film. I assume Encore (and MGMHD) will show the 147 minute version because any other version would call for more previews than they normally show:

Runtime: 147 min | Norway:133 min | USA:119 min

I'll try to remember to come back here and let people know how long the film is after I record it Thursday.

[My programming package does not have station 255, the reason I do not mention it in the subject line change.]


I've been holding onto an old ITV recording for like 20 years! It was cut for time (no flag raising scene for instance), but every version I've seen since with the extra scenes, have also been cut heavily on violence and language which is worse.

It would be nice to see a decent release of this film, considering some of the tripe that gets put out on dvd.

"You went over the line." "Nobody can see the line anymore, Mackey keeps moving it." - The Shield


How did this work out? I'd be interested to know whether this version's intact, and more to the point -- can we get copies off you :)


I blew it, vitch, and totally forgot to set the timer when it was last on. Groan. It would be nice if there was a quick link at IMDB to have a reminder sent when something is on--like there is at TCM's web site.

Notice how I changed the date part in parenthesis on the subject line? I did a search where I get TV programming and it's on again twice. So I don't miss it early Friday, I just set up a calendar reminder to set the DirecTV receiver and DVD recorder:

Shout at the Devil
Fri, Dec 5, 5:35 AM

Run Time: 155 min.

ENCR5 - 532 [DirecTV channel number]
Genre: Movie, Action
An Irish-American and a British aristocrat target a World War I German battleship in Africa.

Credits: Lee Marvin, Roger Moore, Barbara Parkins, Ian Holm, Rene Koldehoff

All Listings
532 ENCR5 Fri 12/5 5:35 AM
532 ENCR5 Wed 12/10 6:50 AM

[end copy/paste]

I shall report back after I have time to watch it. Don't expect a report, though, for possibly a week. Starting Friday morning my schedule is so full I doubt if I shall get much time to watch anything on TV for a while.


Please see my other posting on this subject ...
