MovieChat Forums > Shadow of the Hawk (1976) Discussion > Mike Hawk's half Native American heritag...

Mike Hawk's half Native American heritage

SHADOW OF THE HAWK is one of my favorite fright movie gems from the 70s. All these years I assumed Mike was just 1/4th Native American but in the movie he says that he is 1/2. That didn't make sense to me. Persons who are 1/2 Native American are noticeably so. I'm not making any racial judgments just observations. Jan Michael Vincent looks 100% Caucasian but he was believable in the character role as 1/4th NA. Many persons who are 3/4 Caucasian and 1/4 NA typically appear all Caucasian. It really doesn't matter, just a tiny detail and it didn't detract from the movie at all.
SOH was an underrated horror movie that didn't rely on gore like today. It relied on a good storyline and basic, simple props and background. It followed in the vein of the early 70s, made-for-television fright movies that didn't need or require expensive sets, props, et al. Background, locale, location, lights and shadow were all that were needed along with good actors and good dialogue.
