It's here!

I got my DVD copy yesterday! Wonderful transfer but I'm a little disappointed in that no extras (other than theatrical trailer and choice of English or French subtitles.)
I'm so darn happy though to enjoy it now and discard my homemade copy (from VHS to DVD).
Thanks Warner Brothers. I don't know what took so long.


oh the excitement! LOL

so great to have a lovely crisp "widescreen" copy of this hilarious movie.

Sure wish they had had McNally and remaining cast comment on it tho.

But happy to have it finally


Just ordered mine from Amazon. Can't wait to see a clear copy. I'm going to be driving everyone mad reciting half the film everyday!!!!



Honi soit qui mal y pense.

"Outside of a dog, a book is Man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." --G. Marx


The movie has nothing to do with the AIDS epidemic. Behavior that was risky in the 70's and which is still risky today caused the problem. The movie is about a period in history and it's told well. Not everything is political or needs to be politicized. This is about on a par with posting on the Gone With The Wind webpage that it encourages slavery.



Just arrived today! Everyone wants to borrow it already. NOT A CHANCE!!!!!


How much did it cost back then?
Since they want $43.00 nowdays

See some stars here


I guess I will be keeping my Laser Disc copy of The Ritz then! At least I can put it in my computer and burn my own dvd...since the cheapest dvd out there now is $35-45!!! Hey...Better than vhs!!
It was advertised at for about $13, but is 'out of stock.'
Seems like the 70's are popular...and expensive!



I've just got my copy sent from the US to the UK. It will be phone off the hook tonight whilst I slip back into the '70s.

Ah! Nostalgia is not what it used to be...
