Sun Dance

Roger Ebert annoyed me in his original review of this move in regards to the Sun Dance ritual...was it necessary for us to see it again, didn't we see enough the first time. What he was failing to realize was that it was necessary in the fact that it was Horse's re-birth after being away so long and also the re-birth of the Yellow Hand as the young men that were left, which had most likely never even seen this ritual performed and were moved to do so, and therefore re-ignite the life of the tribe to fight. I actually thought it was very moving!!!


I fully agree with bluejayluv84 comment re the necessity of re-enacting the spiritually essential Sun Dance ritual-comments critical of the re-enactment suggest a possible lack of understanding of the central role the ritual played when a northern plains tribal group had to embark upon a perilous undertaking.
Despite it's imperfections this movie has a special quality and intriguing story line rarely portayed effectively in the whole gamut of western style movies and I for one much appreciate the making of a man called horse and the return. Both movies continue to give me personal inspiration from my teens years when the original made it's controversial and dramatic appearance right through to enjoying re-runs of both movies and i am now in my mid fifties!
