what is 'the pink panther'??

In the first films its a diamond.
In "return" its a diamond.
what is it in "strikes again" and "revenge"? In "Trail" and "curse" its a diamond again.

I have been at battle in my mind trying to figure this out. I settled that it was just any enemny of Inspector Clouseau but then came "Son of the pink panther" which makes us believe the pink panther is Clouseau but if that is so what was his "revenge" in "Revenge of the pink panther" and how was he "striking again".


In the first Pink Panther movie "The Pink Panther (1963)", Princess Dala owns the largest diamond in the world. The diamond has an imperfection, wich (if you stare into the diamond) resembles a Pink Panther.


" ...rearranging the furniture in order to give you the full effect of the anesthetic."


oooook....right...so but that still doesn't answer what the "pink panther" is in "Strikes Again", "Revenge of" and "Son of".


They just used the "Pink Panther" name for those films. Strikes Again, Revenge of and Son of were just midadventures that Clouseau had that didn't feature the diamond. By those films, the original film, sequels leading up to them and the cartoon Pink Panther were such a smash that they didn't really need a backstory about that diamond to make the films work.


The Pink Panther is just a diamond featured in six of the films. They started using it in the titles because it had become a franchise name. Even though five of the films don't involve the diamond, so it should really be called the Clouseau franchise.

