TV Spin-off

I never saw the TV show (it looks like it only lasted a few epps). Did anyoine see it? I saw that Murdoch was on it? How did they explain that?


I only remember it being on and off the air pretty quickly, so I'm sorry that I'm of no help. But I wonder why they spelled the TV show with two "g's" in "Juggs"? Probably to get past the standards folks.


According to Wikipedia the TV show was never picked up, but the pilot was aired as one-time special or made-for-TV movie. None of the movie's actors were on it.

Yes, Jugs was changed to Juggs to get past the censors. They made it sound like her last name was Juggson, or something like that, and that it was abbreviated to Juggs.


Thanks for the details. That all sounds vaguely familiar. I love the logic of the censors. They should have spelled it with uppercase G's -- JuGGs -- to make it more visual.
