Mother's Speech To Jennifer

Jennifer: "I held a bloody baby in my arms and watched the mother....." (trails off)
Mother: "And what you witnessed.....was a massive hemorrhage doctor in the world coulda stopped with the equipment we carry in that rig.....Ya did your best....Ya saved the kid.....But that doesn't count? Ya know, if every driver that lost two patients in one day quit, we wouldn't have any drivers. You go stompin' around demanding rights and responsibility...well, you got it..And this is as good as it gets."

This is, in my opinion, among the best acting Bill Cosby ever did. Raquel, too. I would have quoted Jennifer's previous lines about him being so jaded but I can't remember it like Mother's part.

That object you're tracking isn't a large asteroid, it's a very large spacecraft


I thought the next line was the most interesting: I was something like: "And you're upset because people don't suffer the way you want them to"


Jennifer said; "Doesn't anything bother you anymore? You've been playing that stupid role so long that, nothing finally moves you anymore. So a couple of people died in the van last night huh." (snaps fingers)


Yeah that was a moving, thoughtful bit of dialogue, in an otherwise funny movie.


You are dead on. They were definitely the most memorable words to me.

"What does the B stand for?"
