best dialogue in film

best dialogue in film to the best of my ability to remember;

King: Our ballet has bored you, my dear?
Louise: Your majesty misconstrues.
King: Give us your opinion then.
Louise: Very nice.
King: Nice. We are overwhelmed by your praise. Yet still we feel you prefer your silly rose to our lavish ballet.
Louise: Not at all sire, I merely enjoy its fragrance.
King: You find a simple flower more beautiful than our creation?
Louise: Only in that its beauty is natural, not painted-on or contrived.
King (grabs flower and shreds it): see how transitory your natural beauty is.
Louise: Such beauty as your majesty has just destroyed, will endure in my heart forever!
(runs off)
King (to Fouquet): How is it Fouquet, she spurns us, she scorns us, yet still we are more a prisoner of her charms than ever.
King's mother: You cannot allow this to continue madam; each day the girl humiliates you more.
Queen to king's mother: Not the girl madam, but her suitor, your son, who brings disgrace upon our house.
King: The only disgrace in this household madam is our marriage.
Queen: In god's name Louis, I am your wife!
King: Wife? Nay, say rather, burden. For the sake of France, and our beloved mother, we agreed to appease Spain and got this baggage in the bargain. (indicating the Queen)
King's mother: Louis! You are speaking to the mother of your children!
King: Aye and there's a miracle madam! Far easier to stand Rhodes harbor than to husband this mountain of sallow flesh.
[the queen stands up and starts to leave]
King: Oh come my sweet, before you leave, let the world behold the special vision of ecstasy that greets these royal eyes each night, when we retire...
[rips her wig off]
Queen: Auuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The smith removes the mask. Philipe is a little woozy.

D'Artagnan: Are you strong enough to ride?
Philipe: Uh, I'm just a little light headed.


