Bowie Golden Years

Between shooting Bowie read, practiced filming on a 16mm newsreel camera Roeg gave him and wrote short stories.

He also wrote new songs. Some songs were intended for the soundtrack of the film, others for Station To Station. According to Bowie the short stories will never be published. Bowie later spoke of a visit to Carisbad Caves in Artesia, New Mexico to an American journalist, Rex Reed:

'It was completely dark except for one hole in the top. Suddenly there was a whistling sound like rats screaming. Thousands of bats flew out of the rocks and up through the hole. They return every morning at 4am. I'd love to do my next concert there, with thousands of vampire bats descending on the audience's heads.'

Filming also had its problems - cameras were jamming for no reason, one scene had to be shot at an old Aztec burial ground, near a camp site of rowdy local Hell's Angels.

Drinking a glass of milk on set, Bowie noticed, 'Some gold liquid swimming around in shiny swirls inside the glass'. Bowie was ill for two days afterwards and is still to this day unsure of what actually happened. No trace of any foreign element was detected in tests though there were six witnesses who said they had seen the strange matter in the bottom of the glass. Already in an extremely fragile state, Bowie felt the whole location had 'very bad Karma'.

Other projects were simultaneously firing his imagination, such as a mooted biopic of Buster Keaton, drawing incessantly and his autobiography, tentatively titled The Return of the Thin White Duke.

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