Enough Sex?

Geez, There's alot. I know that some of it is needed, character development and all, but I have no idea how this is rated R. I would've cut back a little on the Sex & Nudity, but oh well. Great movie nonetheless


This thread is a prime example of how americans like to project their sexual hang-ups on just about everything and everyone but themselves. This is, of course why sexual imagery is the top selling advertising gimmick in america. Please unload your prudish projections on your shrink and spare everyone else so it isn't perpetuated to yet another generation. kthnx

The sex was a very small part of this film and it was wholly appropriate, get a grip on yourselves, gawd!


and don't impose your foreign sexual immorality on us.


...see? case in point.



Ha. I'm American but am all for Americans getting de-suppressed in re sex and a lot of things. But that's not why I'm posting. Just posting to say I'm really excited to hear that the old version of the movie (which is all I ever saw) had parts missing that are no longer missing. This is Excellent! This was my favorite movie of all time even with its flaws, so I'm going to have an interesting time seeing all the new footage (and I promise not to complain about the sex, haha).

Criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, friend, acquaintance or stranger.



Alright, alright, I read this entire thread and I have to respond. First to euanbet2, I suppose you're entitled to your opinion and self-hatred of your genitalia, but I've seen many vaginas live and on screen and I've seen very few that I wouldn't eat. I suppose in an abstract almost impressionistic way you can liken a vagina to an axe wound, but I happen to find it far more flower-like and beautiful in appearance. Yes, I suppose there are less attractive ones out there - perhaps you have one of the less aesthetic ones. But by and large, they are all slightly different but all equally beautiful.

I don't necessarily care for the original poster's tone and some of his text did verge if not cross the line of misogyny, but I agree that we should be able to see labia minora and clitoruses on nude females and not just the hair or shadow slit. As much as I love female pubic hair, i do want to see each actress's labia minora and clitorus. I want to know if their labia is pink, red, purplish-brown or flesh-colored. i want to know if they have a big clit or a hidden one. And yes, I want to know if their vaginal openings are naturally small or wider. I think the distinction is is the MPAA will always say, "well, yeah, we're letting you see the male penis, but it's flaccid. We'll never let you see an erect penis - that would receive an NR." Still, if they're showing unaroused penises why not show unaroused vaginas. As in, show the labia and clits, but just don't show them with tang all inside and around the lips. Wouldn't that solve it?


I know that some of it is needed, character development and all, but I have no idea how this is rated R. I would've cut back a little on the Sex & Nudity.
I think it's a product of its time - the free love and 'Joy of Sex' thing. Other posters are right, though - there's not much actual sex in it. Just a lot of gratuitous nudity. It was a bit much, but I could deal except for seeing Rip Torn's junk ! Omg. I wish I could clean and disinfect my eyeballs...
even though neither is a work of art, the female genitalia looks like an AXE WOUND in most cases and is horrendous!
Obviously, hetero females are not going to find female junk attractive. It's pretty gross to us.


wow, ur either gay or a girl, or psycho...


Nope - a heteosexual male who has eaten and f|_|cked a lot of bush and has by and large loved them all. I don't care for people making the vagina out to be ugly-looking. And not just lesbians like to perform cunnilingus.



Look, it's been my understanding that penises are looked at as more lewd than breasts and pubic hair, hence why movies get away with that more cleanly and know it. It's the same way in most legal systems: Women can bare most or all (such as where I'm from) but men can't strip to their junk and walk the streets. It isn't really a discrimination thing and never has been. The more frontal male nudity there is, the more chance a movie stands of receiving a higher rating.

Second, as a woman, I'd still love to see more than what I do in TV and movies, but many men's insecurities are almost baffling. If you feel "gay" by watching another naked man, get the hell out from under your rock more often! Simple as that.


It really had that much sex and nudity in it ? isn't the movie about and alien coming to earth to find water for his dying planet ? What are these aliens sexually probing people ?

"Movie directing is the perfect refuge for the mediocre"


I don't get the problem many people have with sex. We all do it. Luckily.
Violence, though, seems to be acceptable. God knows why.
This film is a masterpiece and yes, the sex was needed, as it shows the protagonist's only way of relating to humans.
I guess many who have problems with the sex scenes are Americans.
Enough said. :)


Sex and sexual provocation in movies - outside porn - and in regular life is WRONG. (By 'regular life', I mean 'family-friendly events, places, transactions et cetera', the public life of people - not the private life)

Too bad that modern people don't understand this fact, or why it is wrong - which is why we are living in such a mess of a world, where no one knows or understands the good values anymore. Murder and death is 'cool', wearing a Nazi SS Death Cult symbol, the symbol of worshipping the demon called Moloch on your shirt is considered NORMAL these days.

I could go on about how twisted, perverted, and horror-lusting these so-called 'humans of Earth' have become (though I'd call them more accurately 'ape/sheeple-demons of Terra'), but to get back to the main point, I'd like to explain a little bit how it works, in the vain hope that someone here might be actually then able to grasp it and realize it is indeed wrong.

I mean, there is a time and place for everything. You don't go selling computers into a hospital, using a loud voice. You don't go to police station to eat a three-course meal and ask the constable to bring you dessert.

There is porn and sex for orgasm-purposes, there are all kinds of equipment and toys to help reach that goal. That's all fine. I don't mind that at all. But it shouldn't be shoved to people's throats when they are not expecting it - it should be hidden from 'regular life' (and 'regular' movies). Having sex or watching porn or other sexually provocative material should ALWAYS be a choice, not a happenstance.

What makes the problem difficult to see is a bunch of other problems, like the constant misandry and keeping men sexually starved. Women's hypergamy is not being kept check like it used to be, but CELEBRATED and ENCOURAGED. As a result, most men can and will never have enough sex, while women have way more sex than they can ever indulge in.

This misandry and the state of affairs is used to manipulate men with sex. Its done shamelessly everywhere. Men are shown visual and aural things that affect their sex module directly, whether the men want it or not (men can't control this effect - otherwise a population wouldn't even exist, or at least it would be considerably smaller). It's a weakness in men's biological-etheric sexual functionality that is ruthlessly exploited and shamelessly abused to get men on their knees.

Because men are so unnaturally sex-starved, most men will do almost anything to get sex and even get some kind of pleasure out of being sexually provoked (and they have of course been systematically indoctrinated to have that response, so the exploitation could go on).

As a result, you get men who want more exploitation, because they have become hooked on it - they are sex-starved, and they feel sexual stimulation every time they see naked boobies or people having sex on screen. You could say that a lot of them have gone a bit mad, always worshipping and rejoicing any sexual exploitation that they have been targeted for.

You really need to back off from the situation and see it from a wider perspective - otherwise you easily just see a couple of boobies, and think that it can't be all that harmful.

The (planned) side effect is, that most men, being constantly sexually stimulated and provoked, walk around being horny most of the time, not being able to accomplish anything signifigant, not being able to focus on the world's problems, not being able to even see what's going on, what the people in power are doing (and not doing), and thus are easily controlled and manipulated into submission. They will latch onto any ugly, nasty twat as long as they get the slightest bit of intimacy.

How often do we have to see the sad couple that everyone of us must have seen (except the blind, perhaps) out there, whether it's supermarkets, shopping malls, on the streets, parks, etc.? Why must the sad couple exist, and why must it be such a common occurrence?

Sad couple. A man who is completely pussy-whipped by a nasty, angry, ugly, fat, old, wrinkly, foul-smelling demon-of-a-hag. A man, who once stood straight with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, now getting older, his shoulders slumping and his posture and weak voice telling that the woman controls the man nearly 100%. That man will never invent a new cure for anything, that man will never go on exploration trips with his friends or alone, that man will never fulfill any of his dreams. That man will only 'survive' (if that) the horrible relationship that he has imposed upon himself because he was manipulated throughout his life.

When I was in a hormone-controlled, stupid, teenage body, I would have celebrated every nipple and tittie you could have shown me in any movie or TV show - or basically anywhere! I thought there was never enough porn, and it was a rarity to see anything sexual.

But now that I can see how it all works, why it works that way, and the causes and effects, I see that it's actually wrong to manipulate men that way. Everyone always talks about exploitation of women, but it's really exploitation of MEN. No one forces any woman to be naked (well, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who does) in the front of a camera, but men are lured, manipulated and exploited using the weakness I mentioned earlier - that's why women have so much sexual power.

That weakness has been artificially enhanced, and the situation worsened by not trying to protect men from being attacked and manipulated this way, but instead claiming that it's the women that have to be protected, and laying a guilt trip on the already manipulated men!

Once your hormones stop controlling you, and you are free to think, you can see the horror of it all - you can see that one pair of titties is much like the other, and nipple is just a (usually) red protuberance.

The world would be a better place, if men weren't manipulated into slavery for women. If porn and sex had their own places, but outside those places, sex would never be seen, shown, or heard of. That way whenever you want it, you can easily get it, but no one who doesn't want it, would ever have to suffer from it.

I think the peeing scene (and the other unnecessary sex scenes) in this movie was horrible, disgusting, and does not add to the story, excitement or even immersion in any way - it's such an obvious gimmick anyway, and her acting is so awful. The only thought it brings to an aware viewer is: "Eeeww, was that REALLY necessary?". For which I commend the original poster - it's hard to go against the flocks and herds of horny apes and demon-sheeple.

A horny man is easy to control, especially by a woman, or by using a woman. So all these movies do is keep men horny and thus easy to manipulate and control.

Ordinary movies, and good stories, in _NO_WAY_ need any sexual content in them. To be exciting, to be interesting, to be immersive, or to be fascinating. No sex is needed for that.


But we constantly get this 'injected romance' syndrome, ruining otherwise potentially interesting or exciting premises, movies, plots, stories, etc. It's really sickening. Don't cater to women so much - have some things for ONLY MEN also! Where's the equality, when there are zillions of "For women only"-movies that most men couldn't stomach (I bet even many gay men wouldn't be able to - if only for the predictability, the stupidity of the plotlines, etc.), but the supposedly "men's movies" are ALSO injected with 'romance' so much that they have become pretty much the same thing - women's movies!

An obvious example of a movie and a story that is completely obliterated by injected romance, and which in NO WAY needed it, is "Time after Time" (though that movie suffers a lot from many other problems as well).

What's the point in having 'romance' in pretty much EVERY (mainstream) movie? It's just as annoying as if there was synchronized swimming injected to every single movie. What kind of a sense would that make? NONE! But if people had been growing up with those movies, most people would think synchronized swimming just BELONGS to any story and movie. But it doesn't. Romance is exactly like that - it doesn't BELONG in most movies!

You HAVE already movies for 'romance', why can't you have movies purely for 'action', 'comedy', 'sci-fi', 'thriller', and whatnot? WHY?

I know, the matriarchy's fema-fascist men-hating agenda plus catering to women brings more moloch's moolah ...



I found this comment quite eye-opening and moving, although I disagree strongly with the conclusion.


I just want to say that I feel so very sorry for you and I cannot imagine what it must be like to live in your head. I feel your pain and I hope you can get the help that you so desperately need.


Oh come on, he has a point, otherwise the expression Sex Sales wouldn't have become so popular. The whole "shipper" thing has really destroyed many good TV series. They start out really well, then turn into soap operas. There have been many great pieces of literature that had no sex in them, and guess what, the book this film was based on didn't. These script and screenwriters think they need to inject romance into everything and often to the detriment of the original story.
I can agree with him on the fact that the older I got the clearer my thinking got. Hormones are enslaving. LOL


Interesting post. I see your point in some of it and others I disagree, but perhaps what you say is part of what the movie is trying to convey. Thomas initially has no interest in sex with Mary Lou, despite her attempts to throw herself at him time and time again. Maybe it's his love for his wife or the fact that sex is different in his world and he doesn't respond to "American sex". It's not until he removes his disguise revealing himself that we have a "sex" scene...long after he's become compromised by alcohol and manipulated by society.

Bryce makes the opposite transition from Philandering to Science..but he's a boozer from the get go too. See also Fallen Angel symbolism/Nephilim.

As to the peeing scene. It didn't bother me at all. I watched the special features and it was used, because the vomiting solution Candy Clark drank didn't work. I'm super turned off from vomit...even in movies, so I'm glad they didn't use that. They already showed Bowie vomiting and I have to turn away. It's a phobia.

but if what you say is indeed true, then we shouldn't keep nudity and sexuality so private and taboo. We all do it. It's only our fake puritan facades that make us Americans so sex crazed...it's not normalized like it should be within families at a young age. It's always this forbidden fruit. I do agree that we are bombarded with sexual images every day and men are kept sex crazed and submissive to women who abuse sexual power. It's not always the case, but it's quite common.

I always like to imagine sex viewed from an alien perspective. They would wonder why we were so fascinated with fatty flesh bumps on the chest or butts...but I like tits and ass. We wouldn't exist if we didn't have these sex drives. Nobody would want to fuck one another if it weren't for hormones.


In the '70s, we had sex and nudity. Today, we have gratuitous violence. I prefer the former.


Amen, couldn't have said it better. The prudes in this thread, though most of the posts are over a decade ago, are depressing.


Off to the priesthood with you!
