Vale Dennis Hopper

I hoped the local television station would drag this out in tribute to the late and esteemed Dennis Hopper sadly I was let down. I was quite impressed with this film when I saw in 1977. Australian film was going through a major renaissance and it was wonderful to see Dennis be a part of it. While it is truly shocking in its portrayal of brutality I found a lot to like about it. The production values may have stank but it had heart. Just my two cents.

If you are not busy being born, you are busy dying.


Yes, I just bought a VHS copy of this that was a poor transfer and watched it last night, and thought it was very strong and quite unusual. I expected it to be kind of a mess when I recently saw "Not Quite Hollywood" and both Hopper and I believe Mora said he was drunk for the whole shoot and very difficult to work with, but his performance was mostly magnetic.

I would like to see someone do a retrospective for Hopper that would include his very hard-to-see films: "The Last Movie", "Kid Blue", and "Mad Dog Morgan".

