MovieChat Forums > King Kong (1976) Discussion > Please Sign Petition For Extended TV Ver...

Please Sign Petition For Extended TV Version On Blu-ray

Please Sign Petition For Extended TV Version on Blu-ray.

Some guy has stated an online petition to get the extended television version that they used to play on NBC when I was a kid.

He's hoping to get it done for the film's 40th anniversary next year.

The three hour version is something I've wanted on DVD forever.

It's good to know that I'm not alone.

Please consider signing his petition.

Maybe we can get it to happen in the near future.



I hope after you learn what ended up on the cutting room floor in my other thread, you will consider signing the petition to try and get the Extended Television Cut released on DVD and/or Blu-Ray.

Stranger things have happened.

Theatrical Version vs. Extended Television Version:


All that guy has up is a Facebook page. NO petition.


You're right, kriegerg69.

I'm sorry about that. 😖

I thought he had a petition going.

I don't do the Facebook thing. I'm not a member, so I have been spreading the word around trying to get Facebook members to sign.

Boy, I feel like an ass.

Hopefully, he will put one up there.

I glanced the page and noticed that somebody had mentioned that there was no petition going.

Maybe he'll see it and start one up.

