I need a new copy

I love this movie dearly and don't want to see it die. I hope that among the few fans this movie has left, there are some rich ones who might find a way to buy the rights and re-release it, but I don't know. This movie is too good to dissapear forever, but I think it's already on the verge of doing so. I have an old, old copy taped from the Disney channel in the early 80s, but it's so old that my VCR tries to eat it every time I play it. If anyone has a VHS or DVD copy they would sell me, please let me know. Also, does this movie even exist on DVD? I saw someone say they ordered it on DVD from E-bay, but is it really this version of the movie? I would also like to know who wrote the music for this movie, the songs in it are among my favorites from any musical animated movie. If anyone knows anything, e-mail [email protected]


VHS tape on eBay this week!!

I've seen a VHS original listed on eBay this week from a seller called POSTMANPETEPRESENTS. It's a UK video tape with a runtime of 95 mintues - a full six minutes longer than the proposed DVD release.
