MovieChat Forums > Jack and the Beanstalk (1976) Discussion > even BETTER new information!!! Remaster...

even BETTER new information!!! Remastered DVD apparently coming soon!

Today I received the following e-mail:

Subject: Jack and the Beanstalk DVD

Dear barbarat-2,
Help is on the way. You can tell folks on the JACK AND THE BEANSTALK message board they should stop buying those horrendous bootlegs on eBay and wait for the real thing. Hen's Tooth Video is producing a real DVD (licensed by Nippon Herald) from newly transferred 35mm materials which will be available in late May or early June. It will be available from and other legitimate internet retailers and stores. It will be well worth the wait.
Steven Newmark
President / Hen's Tooth Video

Hopefully this is for real, seemed pretty legit.


Barbarat -- that's amazing news!!!

Would you happen to have the contact info for Mr. Newmark at Hen's Tooth Video as I'd like to get in touch and ask hime a few questions.

I was speaking to a friend online nearly two years ago who had said that Hen's Tooth Video had contacted him regarding the distribution rights to releasing the film so I have a good feeling that there's some validity to this.

It's my number one most-wanted childhood "nostalgia" buy on DVD and I've always mentioned it in discussion about obscure animated cult releases!!!

This one really deserves to be remastered and put out and it will be very nice to be able to toss out my pirated Ebay dub! I'm really happy to hear about this because the other day I was considering hitting up Ebay for a second copy since the disc I purchased approx. two years ago looked like it was sourced from a second or third generation video print and I had noticed some recent auctions with better feedback and packaging of higher quality.

I really hope that the approximate May/June release date is accurate! It will be AMAZING to see this film remastered from 35mm negs!

If anyone has contact info for Hen's Tooth Productions, please email me or post it here because I would really like to confirm as well I have some other inquiries and would like to offer my help in promoting as I'm affiliated with a number of animation and home video related websites.

Anyways, thanks so much for posting that update - I'm really looking forward to it's LONG OVERDUE release!!!


- Oliver.


[email protected] is the e-mail address that e-mail came from. that's the only contact info I have but I think hen's tooth has a website and they might have more info.


I asked Hen's Tooth about it, and this is their response:

We're looking toward a release date in June now. It should have both
English and Japanese language options on it. We'll have the details in the
"coming soon" section of our website.

The URL is


VHS tape on eBay this week!!

I've seen a VHS original listed on eBay this week from a seller called POSTMANPETEPRESENTS. It's a UK video tape with a runtime of 95 mintues - a full six minutes longer than the proposed DVD release.
