Help, again.

Could someone explain the plot to me in full detail? It would be greatly appreciated.


Oh god, I really don't know where to start.

Well, we have the basic structure of the story: Jack is sent to sell his cow and comes back with 'magic' beans etc. --Except this time, when he goes up the beanstalk there is a castle in the clouds overthrown by an evil with and her giant-son. The people of the castle have been turned into mice and the princess has been put under a spell in the impression that the giant is a handsome prince. The witch's plan is to get the two of them married so she will hold the power. We all know how it ends: witch dies. giant dies. happily ever after, except Jack has to cut the beanstalk down to kill the giant and never gets to see the princess again, so not really 'completely' happily ever after.

The film has some great moments and songs like "Miracles Happen" and "Are you Happy?" but also has some cheesy Disney-like songs like "Farmer Boy" and "No Worries" --personally I love the film, but I feel like there's a segment in the film from the time the mice come in and sing their song etc. etc. and "No Worries" ends (before the lonely dog song) that is just cheesy and doesn't fit the trippiness of the rest of the film. It's almost as if they were afraid it'd be too drugged-out for kids or something. But I love it. I never realized how trippy the film was til now. The first 30 minutes are amazing and the wedding scene far than makes up for the cheesiness in the latter half. :)

This film is wonderful!


I think the most aggravating song is "Tulip" when he's being chased by the giant. Did anyone else think Jack's maniacal laugh in "No Worries" was somewhat disturbing?

I figure they had to keep it child-oriented and wanted to lighten up the very weird scenes (such as the wedding) with happy little songs the kids would find fun.
