anyone seen this??

Anyone seen this or have any opinion at all on this?

the white zone is for unloading passengers...

who shot who in the what now?


Yes, and it is an average film with an average plot.

The film is a bland, straightforward made-for-television film about an introverted, quiet, young man recalling his financial struggles as a low-income, commonplace, newly married construction labourer.

He's being interviewed by an older woman, and his narrative, depicted in flashbacks, commences with him recalling his work building a home for his parents.

As his narrative progresses, we realize he is a prisoner recounting to a psychologist/psychiatrist the events leading up to his crime. There are two lightning fast flashbacks that appear at random moments [him committing the crime], to add to the drama and provide a clue about his situation.

It is not filled with Fassbinder's trademark style, it lacks his exhaustively complex plot constructions, it lacks his spectacular art direction and misé-en-scene, it lacks phenomenal performances, I felt the plot was predictable and typical and uninteresting, except for the young man's mother, whose presence deserved further exploration since she was a key reason for why her son was introverted and a bit abnormal.

I rated the film a 5/10, which I interpret as indifference. I'm indifferent to the film. It's not good and it's not bad, it felt like a textbook exercise in filmmaking, although it bored me it was technically flawless, but its technical component was, again, bland.

Make it one of the last Fassbinder films you watch.



Interesting movie with some very cool camera work, and composition of shots. Really enjoyed the central performance. Sad story. Gotta see more Fassbinder.

Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.
