I love this film.

It taught me how to spell 'hippopotamus' super duper fast. :)
They should bring it out on DVD. :(

A few DVDs were on ebay for a while (bootlegs of course) at around £10 each. I didn't buy one because I didn't have any money at the time. Look out for them again!
It's my duty... My duty as a complete and utter bastard.



i still sing h-i-p-p-o-p-o-t-a-m-u-s in my head everytime i need to spell it. which to be honest isnt often.


oh this movie rocked along with dot and the kangeroo


I also still sing that Hippo song for the spelling and I haven't seen the film for over twenty years! I must have been watching it at the same time as the reviewer (as a kid here in England) I can vividly remember the rainy saturday afternoon they showed it on BBC 2!


I only saw this movie 1x on Christmas Morning of 1984.My now ex and our two year old son watched it and our son was riveted to it. As far as the songs go I can't remember the hippo spelling song but I do know how those songs can stick in your head. I remember seeing a Disney educational movie around 1st grade about the encyclopedia and I cannot spell that word without singing it. I think it was Jiminey Cricket but the spelling song after 50 years is still stuck in in my head.I live in San Diego and have only seen it on just the one time. I want to get a copy for my grandkids so they can see it also.
