the best movie ever made

This is the best movie ever made. Ever!


You are correct, sir!


Man, that must be some powerful stuff that y'all have been smoking! This is what is known as a "turkey film"--a movie so poorly made and cheesy until it's entertaining. But I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "the best movie ever made."

How it escaped the three dudes over at "Mystery Science Theater 3000" remains a mystery in itself.


I think Mystery SCIENCE Theater (notice how I highlighted SCIENCE) mostly is interested in campy Sci-Fi movies of the 50's & 60's. Otherwise they might just do a film like this.


I dunno, they did do an epic take on Joe Don Baker in MITCHELL

My official blog:


there is an incredibly good chance that you are correct.


You Sir, are without consequence.


Words cannot describe just how brilliant this movie is.


I'mma *beep* and cracka and i love this film

We can DO IT ALLLL DAY LONG, (We'll have to pay more for the light bill if we do it at night!)


I was surprised at what a vast improvement this is over the original Dolemite. The writing, production values, and choreography are night and day compared to Dolemite. Moore must have scored a lot more cash to make this one.


Now y'all know this is one of the worst movies ever made... however, one of the funniest movies to watch.


May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screwed up your day....


If it's one of the most entertaining movies to watch, then it's not one of the worst movies ever made.
