My favorite Herzog film

I'm still looking for the "cult" of Herzog web site. I'm quite certain that he, like David Lynch, must have a core groups of devotees for whom they can do no wrong.

I saw this film during a deep depression when I borrowed it from the San Francisco Public Library. My life was in complete disarray and I contemplated suicide several times a day for well over a year. I've always thought, since, that my deep, abiding identification with this film was connected to my mood at the time and my sense of hopelessness and self-doubt.

Werner, who I consider to be one of the greatest comics ever, will forever be known as a director who defies definition, a man who has made several films can be viewed with equal merit as both satire and serious examination at the same time.

He's only getting better with age. I wish him a long life and long career. His wife is a hottie too.


"I contemplated suicide several times".

Well, lucky for you that you didn´t happen to select Stroszek form that library, then.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



Of course, all Curtis needed, was just a tiny push. Hell, the entire Closer sounds like one long suicide note.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



Yeah it´s kind of too darkly haunting to be listened too often, as outstanding as the record may be.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



Yeah it can work that wat - from personal experience, as I´ve also had problematic times, relatively downbeat & depressive material, like Nirvana or Alice In Chains, for instance, instead of making things worse, had quite the opposite effect on the state of mind.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan




Sorry to hear that, I hope things turned out for the better.

"Heart of Glass" is also my favorite Herzog film followed by Nosferatu, Fata Morgana and Julien Donkey-Boy by Harmony Korine with Herzog acting in it.
