Mark and Magnum

Why were Mark and Magnum killed?
Why would Olivia have them killed?
They were not accomplices of hers in the murder if the young boy of German heritage. Was it just because since she was possessing Julia she also wanted to kill all those close to Julia.
Also, why did Olivia not have Julia kill her own mother. You think Olivia would want to kill her own mother since her mother strangled her to death????



he was killed because he wanted to help Julia...and so Mark was "annoying" for Olivia, because Olivia wanted Julia only for her...or maybe Julia killed Mark??...the scene was very ambiguous, just before Mark died we saw Julia anymore in the hall of her if she was going to Mark's place to kill him.

Magnus: again, probably that Olivia killed him because he was intrusive in Olivia/Julia's house so Olivia wanted to have Julia only for she had to kill Magnus.
Unless it is Julia who killed her husband?

Olivia's mother: i think the most logica way of explaining the film's mystery is that Olivia possessed the poor Julia to carry out the killings, so it is Olivia who really killed her mother through Julia's eyes, acting from Julia.


(Book spoilers)

The death of Mark makes more sense in the book: he is Magnus's half-brother, and Olivia wants to kill anyone related to Magnus (Magnus was Olivia's father but never acknowledged it.) Mark was Olivia's half-uncle, and was also having an affair with Julia. Lily and Magnus don't like the affair because they are afraid that Mark will get his hands on Julia's money, and they generally just don't like Mark anyway.


Thank you. I had no idea that Mark was Magnus's half brother.
I didn't read the book. I have only watched the movie and I'm watching it again now because I just assumed that Mark is a close friend of Julia's. I keep thinking I somehow missed something. This all makes sense now.

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"


Which is exactly why I hated the book compared to the movie. Something as convoluted as the half brother, Magnus as Olivia's father, not to mention the unnecessary Mark and Julia love scene, had no place in the film.
