Remake Advice

Whether one wants a remake or not, it might just happen.
Since Hollywood reads these boards I suggest we give some ideas so if they do, in fact, redo this great film maybe, just maybe, we did something to make it better.
1. Let's tell Hollywood what's great about the original, in other words, what shouldn't be changed.
2. What we'd like to see added to the film.
3. What should the mood be - more serious, the same, funnier, and so on.
Personally, I really like the idea of them trying to dodge all the new technology, so my suggestion is ADDING MORE CONFRONTATION WITH AUTHORITY.


That would be a good idea for the remake. Playing up the secretiveness of the whole thing. They'd have to be much more alert to the latest in police apprehension, that's for sure.

or, they could go retro. Base the movie in the 70's, like the up that whole 70's vibe of the original. fashions, attitudes, political, etc. etc. It would open up the script to alot of great and funny insights, I think.


I just posted my remake advice in another thread. I 100% agree that the abuse of modern technology must be the underlying theme of the movie. I'd like to the remake to show WHO is making a fortune off of all the radar, lidar, red light cameras, speed cameras, CCTV, cell phone tracking, facial recognition, etc. Most people are vaguely aware that they are increasingly under surveillance, that they are being tracked, and that files are being compiled about everything that they do. They DON'T have any clue WHO is doing it, or WHO is making money from it.

The Shins latest music video and, oddly, the latest Fast and Furious movie demonstrate just how many cell phone cameras are out there. I think you could make an entire movie just using the perspectives of all of the surveillance and cell phone cameras out there.

I'd also like the movie to poke fun at SUV drivers. One of the Gumball drivers could point out that he's burning less gas at 100mph, than the SUV is at a legal 70mph.


Remake advice....DO NOT REMAKE!!! Thank you. That is all?


denniswhurley said it all!!!!!!!!!!
No matter what we say on this website, it irrelevant!
Hollywood has ALWAYS had the original movie to view before shooting a "remake" and still they ruin it!
Need I mention "Gone in 60 Seconds"?
The Gumball Rally is an iconic movie for a reason! To do a remake in today's world of CGI, the fast and the furious, (lower case letters on purpose), high priced "Hollywood talent" who don't even know what a car is, would be an insult to the original movie!
