pg rating

i have the pg rated version put out by media. running time is 92 miutes. it has all the gore scenes intact. anybody else?


Is it the VHS you have? I heard that a VHS version had some extra gore that wasn't included on the Shriek Show DVD but I'm not sure how true that is.

The Slaughter House's Horror Pit


Probably R now a days


it's a good ol' vhs copy. too bad about shriek show's release.


It would have been nice if they could have released the uncut version, but the shriek show dvd has such a nice transfer, I won't compain.

Ramones, the greatest band ever.


I have the Media Video VHS version and the Shriek Show DVD set. The DVD set has more gore. Specifically:

1. The DVD set has the scene where Kelly and Don discover Scotty's mangled body.

2. Because the DVD is 2:35 widescreen, you see lots more picture than the VHS version. This includes during the kill scenes.


I saw this film 3-4 times when it came out at the theater, in addition to a couple of times on TV (once when it carried the title "Killer Grizzly"). The TV versions always edited out the gore, specifically when the two women are killed early, when one of their bodies is discovered in the cabin and the shot of the child missing a leg. All of these scenes are tame compared to "Jaws" anyway. The DVD Shriek version contains all of these missing scenes and is the version I remember seeing at the theater as a kid. Not sure how it compares to the VHS version, but the most recent DVD (including a documentary on the film) is the authentic film.
