MovieChat Forums > Grizzly (1976) Discussion > i cant find the movie anywhere

i cant find the movie anywhere

Does anyone know where to go to rent or buy this movie???

I have never scene it and I hear it is good and very gore.


I bought mine from HMV in Chinook Mall. There's always the online option.


I bought it about a year ago now. Thanks though. I found it on Amazon.


Good job! What did you think about it?


I thought it was very boring. My dad is the one who said it was an awesome movie. I am an 18 year old teenager so I am not surprised I didn't like it that much. I think my dad just hyped it up to much for me. He was born in 1958 so this movie was very popular right around his time. I do like original movies though that are very old. Such as Halloween, Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine and many more. How did you like it?


I share your opinion. It was almost a big snooze fest minus the cool bear attacks. But it was extremely slow. The second half was better.


I agree 100% with what you said. Are you around my age?


You said you 18? I'm 22, I'll be 23 in May. I really love these old movies.


Yeah me to I really appreciate the originality. So many teens my age don't like older movies because they aren't as explosive or action packed or romantic enough. I don't need all that. I don't mind that stuff but I am just saying that I love both newer and older movies. Just because I am guy doesn't mean I don't mind watching a chick flick either.


Same here! I just got back from Twilight New Moon not to long ago.


How did you like that. I really enjoyed both of them. I get made fun of by all of my friends for seeing it though.


I thought they were both great! They have a certain charm to them that you won't find in any other movie. I like new moon a little more because it deals with one of my favorite monsters: Werewolves!


Nice yeah for sure. By the way I added you as a friend on here.


Alright! Thanx!


Yeah no problem. So did you see the trailer to that new movie Pirhana that is coming out in 3-D.


I've still gotta. How was it? It's a remake of Roger Corman's movie, right? I'd go and see the movie, although I'm not that big on 3D. I really love horror! BTW, I added you too!


Okay cool. the movie looks awesome I thought. Lot's of pretty hot looking chicks in it which is nice haha. My profile if you notice I used to write reviews. I wrote 1 for every movie I saw win theaters in the year 2008. I stopped writing reviews after that though. I got a lot of people telling me stop and crap.


You don't have to listen to them when they tell you that. Freedom of speech is our God given right. Your reviews and opinion are just as important as the nexr guys, that's what I think.


Thanks man that means a lot.
