Eighteen feet?

Why was the movie advertised with the tag line, "Eighteen feet of gut crunching terror"? Whenever you see the Grizzly, it doesn't look any taller than eight feet at least. Good Lord, if the Grizzly was eighteen feet high, even the victim in the tower could have seen the Grizzly miles away, and alerted the rangers, and most likely survived.


It was hard to make a bear look 18 feet back in the 70's I guess. Some of the perspective shots made it look bigger, I think they did a good job considering the budget/time it was made.


And the mechanical bear was left in the rain and became unusable.


I do and yet don't agree that it was hard to make the bear look tall. Granted, it wasn't cheap even then to do it, but many movies before then had done it, so I do think they could have done so. Ray Harryhausen did it in some movies that didn't have a big budget to work with.


Continuity issue between the publicizing of the movie and the script writers. The marketing had the bear at 18 ft. while the script had it at 15 ft.


Marketing said the bear was 18 feet, movie said the bear was 15 feet, 'making of' on the dvd said the bear was 11 feet, the movie made the bear look about 8 feet.
