Simply awful

I agree with one of the other posters. The only reason to watch this movie is to see how badly executed one can be.


I thought it was good

there will be hell to pay and i'm the collector
H2: danielle's back!


Have to agree with Claudio, this seems at first like some throwback to the 1950's Westerns with the heightened colors of all the costumes and sets, then all the faux Spaghetti Western icons begin to appear, especially the gurning, over acting henchmen.
The gratuitous dance hall sex attacks looked like clips from a soft porn film, even the leading lady managed to reveal a nipple during her flashback rape scene...
A mess, signs of what Goran/Globus would create in the years to come and a sad vehicle for Palance, van Cleef and Boone

Don't touch that!
Why Not?
It does very bad things...


Yup, it's not very good.


Yes, simply awful. I seldom give up on a film. Occasionally I get surprised, but this one I could not justify going beyond 59 minutes. A waste of 59 minutes of my life. Dumb, plain dumb. Ridiculous story with nothing to redeem it. Except maybe the music if you don't mind a lack of originality. Not for someone who wants something reasonably intelligent.


Got this flick as part of a "westerns" package sold at Walmart for $5.00. After seeing it, we are calling this the "Burrito" western at our house.

The best scenes were in the church near the end of the movie. At least the bad guys got what was coming to them.

Kind of surprising it left so much to be desired, as both Lee Van Cleef and Jack Palance were stellar actors.


Heck,I really enjoyed it. I thought it was much better than most people say. I gave it 7/10.


This is not a well-made film by any means, though some of the scenery is gorgeous (as you'd expect in Westerns). If most of the dialogue were real instead of dubbed, I'd care a bit more for this film, but as it is it's no greater than a 4/10.


The only reason to watch this movie is to see how badly executed one can be.

Yes, it is badly executed. I could never get a grip on the tone the filmmakers were shooting for. Is it semi-camp? Semi-parody? It's definitely not something you can take too seriously. Not to mention, the story's boring.

That said, there are some highlights. For one, it was shot in Israel, which is unique for a Western. Secondly, there are two or three stunning women, including Sybil Danning in her youth. Thirdly, it's got Jack Palance and Lee Van Cleef, two Western icons. And, fourthly, Leif Garrett is surprisingly good at around 13 years-old.

But the confused tone does it in, unfortunately. I give it 3.5/10.

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