MovieChat Forums > Futureworld (1976) Discussion > 6 points from germany-'kognitiv dissonan...

6 points from germany-'kognitiv dissonant' and psychedelic!

as a child in 1983, i remember that it was hard to understand americas 70's view on the future!

during watching, i felt something like there are things can't go together..disturbing and diffuse..

1) there where hard plots, cold and zynic actors in comparison to soft, poetic and very well played melancholic musik.

2)the sexattribute was (so 70's like) psychedelic-overpresented & displaced in this neon-sci-fi-movie-
it looked that they couldnd decide if they wanted to make an other genre..;-)

3)but in the opposite especially this was so dissonant (i remember the couple falling to bed in their room after dangerous adventures..

4)westworld was timeless and pride- futureworld looked at the customer-
but-very good.

5)Musik! can anyone remember the mainmelody-i can-after 20 years!!

6)can anyone remember the scene, when the reporters go to the old western city and find legs of old robots? a nostalgic-childadventure-bradburylike scene, very good chosen!

in the end i will recommend films and books i will not hide :
"the haunting of hillhouse"
"burnt offerings"
"martian chronicles", ray bradbury book
and my song (dont be afraid , not rammststein) for all futureworld/westworld-fans under
wish u a good rocketsummer!!!


disturbing and diffuse

so true...
