MovieChat Forums > The Food of the Gods (1976) Discussion > IT ARRIVES ON R1 DVD MIDINTE MOVIES SEPT...


from dvdvdrive-in:

MGM Home Video (as distributed through Fox Home Video) has begun to announce their slate of Halloween DVD titles. On September 11, they will release as Midnite Movies single editions Michael Reeves’ WITCHFINDER GENERAL (aka THE CONQUEROR WORM) starring Vincent Price, and Bert I. Gordon’s nature-gone-wild epic THE FOOD OF THE GODS. Both titles will retail for 14.98 each. More Midnite Movies releases for the fall are expected to be announced very shortly, so look here for further details, cover art, etc. September 11 will also bring other horror releases from MGM, including AFTER MIDNIGHT, FROM BEYOND (SPECIAL EDITION), RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (SPECIAL EDITION) and SCARECROWS.


I'm glad this is finally coming to DVD, I've been hoping to see this movie for some time. Plus, movies based on the work of H.G. Wells are great. The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds are awesome.


this movie is not worth bothering with.if you really want it,it will be in a bargain bucket or second hand shop in no is rubbish.


if you really want it,it will be in a bargain bucket or second hand shop in no time

Cool, I can save money.


I'm overjoyed that this deliciously cheesy hoot is finally coming out on DVD; it's about freakin' time, man!

I enjoy keeping busy. Satan finds work for idle hands.


I loved this movie when I was a kid and even have an old Vestron Video VHS copy of it that has served me well. Now my only question is: WHERE THE H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS IS THE DVD??? So far I've been to SIX different stores today and the closest I've come to it is one store that said they had it on order but it didn't come in!!!

On an interesting side note, I had a difficult time finding MGM's release of From Beyond today also. I finally was able to locate a copy of it, but only ONE of the six stores I went to had it, and I was lucky enough to snag the only copy they recieved in their new release shipment. Several of the stores I shop at have it listed on their websites as being available, but once I get to the stores, it's no dice.

On yet another interesting side note, I had a similar problem when MGM released Stuart Gordon's Dolls. Several stores told me they had it on order, but it had not yet arrived. I heard from one store manager while looking for Dolls that they were almost ready to cancel all of their MGM DVD orders because they had been having a horrible time getting MGM discs in and that some movies they had pre ordered were FIVE TO SIX WEEKS past their official release dates and still had not arrived. I finally did get my hands on a copy of Dolls. One of the stores that said it was on order and should have been in on it's release date finally got it in stock about 2 weeks after it's official release date. Some of the stores I regularly shop for movies at didn't get it in stock until weeks later than that. Curiously, Circuit City's website had Dolls listed as being on "backorder" on it's date of release and for quite some time afterwards. I see that today, on it's date of release, Circuit City's website has Food Of The Gods listed as being on "backorder". The most curious thing is that MGM's website does NOT have Food Of The Gods or From Beyond listed anywhere. If you were to judge solely by looking at MGM's website, you would believe these two discs don't exist.

I started noticing problems getting the MGM titles about the same time Sony took over MGM. I figured that since MGM has been under Fox for a while now that the titles would be more readily available when they are scheduled to be released. Apparently, this is not the case. Does anybody else have any information on what is going on with the distribution of the MGM titles? With everything we hear about "internet piracy" I think it's kind of insulting that the fans who are willing to go out of their way to go to a store and put their money down are getting their chains jerked. In my case, I really am going out of my way, the only store in my town is Wal-Mart and the next closest stores (such as FYE, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc) are at least a half hour drive away. Add to that the fact that I've been spending my time going to all these stores so I can buy a DVD copy of a movie I already own a perfectly good copy of on VHS. So come on guys, take some of the time you spend whining about internet piracy and put it into actually getting your product out when it's scheduled so we CAN buy it!



I hear you loud and clear! I have ordered stuff online from time to time but I prefer to get out of the house every now and again and go buy my stuff in a store. Not only do I get to go home and pop the disc in immediately, as opposed to having to wait a week or so to get it in the mail, but I really enjoy browsing through the racks and occasionally finding a "forgotten gem" hiding in the middle of all the dreck. As much as I've resisted the internet shopping thing though, it looks like that may indeed be the way I have to go to get anything worth buying.

Stores I used to frequent because I could rest assured that they would have more than the "usual garbage" have lately been transforming into glorified Wal-Marts with higher price tags. I'm particularly disappointed with Best Buy. There was once a time when the two closest BB stores to me carried a better selection than some "specialty" stores I used to shop at. My trips to BB have become fewer and farther between as they've slowly whittled away at the horror section until, to my complete dismay, I walked in last night and saw that the horror section had not only been whittled down to about 1/8 of the shelf space it used to occupy, but that they don't even have a "horror" sign on the shelf anymore, the shelves were tagged as "Miscellaneous" (but they still have a Sci-Fi section).

So, yes, I have to agree with you, most of the major retailers don't care about customers who have any tastes outside of the "mainstream", but in this case I can't blame it entirely on the stores. Like I said in my previous post, there have been stores who have had some of these MGM discs pre-ordered and were left hanging by the distributor(s) not delivering the goods to the stores with no explaination.

I keep hoping that if enough fans speak up that maybe somebody will listen and start putting this stuff back on their shelves again, but sadly I just don't see it happening anytime soon.



bought this at Virgin Megastore this week for $10.
