MovieChat Forums > The Food of the Gods (1976) Discussion > LOVED the ending; hated the rest

LOVED the ending; hated the rest

there was something morbidly amusing about the whole cow/little girl thing. Very creepy to me.


Agreed. The movie was rather disappointing up until those two last scenes just made me go WTF?? and all of a sudden everything else was forgiven.
Just brilliant. :)


true dat

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


what cow/girl thing? I dont recall that!


There's a voice over saying, "Could you imagine if that Food of the Gods stuff got into the water supply?" (paraphrased)

Then we see two jars, labeled FOTG, floating into a reservoir from whence cows drink. Those cows are then shown being milked. Next we see a classroom full of kids (looks like a Kindergarten class). A young girl goes up to the head of the classroom for snack time, drinking a nice glass of cold milk. Yum!

[freeze frame, roll credits, cue ominous music]

Kind of prophetic, in a way, when you think about hormones in our milk and meats.


yes, but then why the hell didn't the cows grow? lol


It's established very early in the film, when the older woman (Ida Lupino) talks about the chickens and chicks. She states that the young creatures grow, but the adults do not. The chicks became gigantic and "et" (as she puts it) the grown ones.

So, the cows would pass it on to the children, who WILL become gigantic!



I enjoyed it all but the ending was my favorite part. It's creepy to think of giant children walking the Earth wreaking havoc. Regular sized children are already bad enough.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!
