Scenes that intrigued me

There is one scene where Duval is meeting the paratrooper for the first time, He is coming on a boat from the pinal colony. On that boat are two dead men in wetsuits (probably two of his own men). I don't know if this is from the novel but does anybopdy know about his. What were those men and how did they die? I doubt anyone has teh answer but I'm curious.


as a I recall, a large number of his men died from general harsh conditions in the penal colony - hard labour, insufficient nutrition etc etc. He began with over 30 men and by the time they are recurited he has just over a dozen.


But thosearticular of them is credited as dead diver? How did they dies? Were they diving and had some sort of accident? Are they in the novel and does tehbook explain?


After the run-in with the SS General by the train Steiner and his men were sent to Sark to serve in a penal unit. This would involve them riding manned torpedos at allied shipping and, if all went to plan, releasing themselves before impact - as you can guess this obviously didn't work all the time resulting in the two casualties you saw in the film.


That's interesting! Please excuse me if I sonud ignorant but what are "manned"torpedos? Are these torpedos that men are steering themselves. Are these regular torpedos and the men are just hanging on while being launched? If so why? To steer them? I'm just curious.


These are torpoedoes being launched from shore to take out Allied shipping in the English channel. They are manned by the men in the penal colony and steered towards the ships. The man may or may not get off the torpedo in time, and they always run the risk of drowning.


Never mind I looked iu ponline and found out. Thanks for telling me. Very primitive if you ask me!


In the novel, there is a chapter about the paratroopers at the penal unit, what's involved, etc... It's quite interesting.
