funny bud + spencer

6 out of 10

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


12 out of 10


notice it's well over one hour in before any feminine presence. i understand this is always considered the best after the classic trinity flicks, i like the soundtrack in some of these movies, they seem to use the same music in several, i think this is also featured in "banana joe", though without hill, played if only briefly. the swedish translated title to this is kind of identical to the title of their 1985 flick "miami supercops" (kept in original), i've been catching up on some of these airing this summer and it seems specifically the two last movies they did in the 80's dropped in quality in all sorts of ways, even technical, wich seems odd, "crimebusters" and "odds and evens" for example from the 70's holds up much better today. the funny actor from blazing saddles adds alot to this movie too.

felix: that's funny, i haven't thought of women in weeks
oscar: i fail to see the humour.
- the odd couple

reached the point of unbearable,
of what you offer today,
rather save electricity,
than be part of this,
your big head took over,
what was a good thing going,
as things went ahead,
reached the point of unbearable.
