Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino paid to see this movie, lol, seriously, he said so on "Friday night with Jonothan Ross"

"Say what again motherfu**er I dare you, I double dare you"- Jules, Pulp Fiction


yep , i saw that too.

i thought it was funny when he said that the ticket guy actually tried to persuade him not to watch the film.

sounds great though, i'm gonna try to get a copy.


The ticket guy is out of his mind. This movie is an absolute classic. It gets better everytime I see it.

"Belief is the Death of Intelligence" - Robert Anton Wilson


Hell.. I paid to see The Human Tornado.. I and my friend that I cajoled into going were the ONLY WHITE FACES in a sold out 900 seat URBAN revival theatre. Only time I've ever felt the floor shake from people stomping their feet while laughing.. uncanny.. one of the greatest memories in my life.. lol... not a single person left the place without a smile on their face.. this was pre vcr so no one knew anything about it.. except it was DOLEMITE starring in another movie.. this was 1982 so it was only a 5 or 6 year old film at the time.. they also showed kung-fu double features alot.


The wildest thing about this movie is that out of the whole Rudy Ray Moore canon, its the one film thats supposed to be taken seriously. The others were comedy spoofs on the Blaxploitation genre.

"Lemme at 'em! I'll splat 'em!"


Hell, I paid to own it. I bought the Rudy Ray Moore boxed set, and don't regret it in the slightest.
