Am I the Only One??

A revival is in order! I can't be the only person who has seen this God-Awful film!!

-"I sure could go for a bottle of pop!"



not the only one whos seen it ,count gor de vol showed this one alot on dcs creature feature when i was a kid ,even at the age i was i never thought the griffin joke was funny,


You're not the only one! I saw it on Bob Wilkins' Creature Feature!

Only love, pads the film


This used to be on late night tv all the time when I was a teenager. And I used to watch it every time it was on. So awful it's really kinda mesmerizing.

I remember Count Gore de Vol. Ahh, the good old days. The only thing on late night tv now is poker and infomercials.


I have two versions of this movie. One is called "Teenagers Battle the Thing"
Which came out around 1960. All the "flashback" footage of "Curse of Bigfoot"
is from "Teenagers Battle the Thing" For some reason, My TBTT version is B&W even though it's the exact same footage as COB which is in color. The B&W version is a tiny bit better. Not much of course, there's no hope for this film! I think the shorter time (60min) of TBTT is the plus in this case.


I saw this godawful schlock only once and thought it was absolutely atrocious.

I enjoy keeping busy. Satan finds work for idle hands.


I saw this for the first time in '83 or '84, when WOR-Channel 9 out of NYC dredged up some AMAZING stuff to show around 3am on Saturday night, or Sunday morning. I couldn't BELIEVE what I was seeing, and as the years rolled on I wondered if it had just been a BAD fever dream. Then in 1998, I found it on VHS via a public domain outfit. This movie does, in fact, exist. You and I and the rest of the world will just have to learn to live with it.


Hoboy...yeah, I used to see this movie every now and again on TV, in the 70's and 80's, it only played late at night as filler. It's godawfully bad, but strangely enjoyable at the same have to wade through a lot of boring stuff to get to a lame payoff with the briefly glimpsed "burning Bigfoot"...a truly bizarre film and I'm glad it's gotten an official DVD release because that is just too awesome. Finally we can watch some of our favorite late-night schlock gems, lost for ages!

I love that "pop" discussion, it's my favorite scene.


Stupid, silly, awful, inartistic, laughable nonsense...........

Wasn't it GREAT!!!!!

3 Cents deposit! U-U-Unless you want me ta drink it there!


Whoa!! I actually love this movie! I'm watching it now on DVD! I don't know why but it's great! Bad acting, bad editing, bad direction, bad everything and for some reason it rocks!! Call me crazy but it's very entertaining!!! I love to know something about the people who made it!!
