Favorite scene?

It's hard to choose, with so many memorable moments, but my favorite is probably the "two guys in a truck" sequence:

- The incredibly slow pacing.
- The jump-cut editing (stick appears and re-appears in the guys hands during his drawn-out walk through the forest).
- Driving through the woods at a snails pace.
- The cheesy music.
- The stoned-looking dude hanging out at the truck, then later staring at his buddy laying on the ground ("whoa, what happened?")
- The complete and total lack of a payoff (one scream?!?!) after what seems like an eternity of walking though the woods/stoned dude at truck/furry foot close-up with breathing, etc footage.


My favorite scene is when Roger Mason comes into the classroom and throws down on the kid for laughing at the ridiculousness of legendary monsters. The guy who played Mason should have won the Oscar for that scene alone.


my favorite scene is me never having watched this film


that is my favorite scene too. I liked the Mason character but I thought the kid that he was humiliating was the best. It really looked like that poor kid was about to cry in that scene.


I like the beginning, when the strange tranny boy/girl guy is attacked by someone in a paper mache mask and granny wig.


I like that scene too. did you notice how that weird monster actually looked 'better' than the Bigfoot creature in the movie? that's a real shame. for a long time ive had the suspicion that that particular scene was from another ''unknown/unreleased'' movie altogether! however, i think information about such a film wouldve come to light by now.



It was shot as an add-on to the old material with the teenagers. I don't think it was meant to be an independent film on its own, but I agree, the production values look like an unreleased movie.


to be honest, i really wouldve liked to have seen a film starring the ''Monster'' in those add on scenes. looked like a cross between a zombie & an alien. very interesting. oh well, couldve been cool. :)


Yup, the stoned dude looks like a rapist metalhead, lol!


The stoner dude looked like the Brawny paper towel guy.
