
isn't it a similar movie to this one where the same thing happend.. a train and in the end everyone dies or am I nuts... thing is I saw a similar movie as a litlle boy (like 7) but didn't remember all the shooting and the virus and stuff.. just rememred diffrent persons on the same train and it ends with that they all die.. whatever, if you recognize this plz help me with the title of that movie..




You may thinking about the train scene in Dark of the Sun with Rod Taylor. It is set during the Congo Crisis in the 1960's in which mercenaries are attempting to retrieve some diamonds, as well as save civilians, from the approaching rebels. A train is used for the mission and the connector between half of it is blown up during their escape by a mortar round. The back half of the train rolls back across a bridge over a gorge and then into the waiting hands of the rebels who end up killing everyone. Great flick, sadly not available on DVD, only VHS.


Or it could be the awful remake of C-CROSSING called DERAILED with Jean Claude Van Damme.


North West Frontier/Flame Over India is a similar theme, a danger fraught train trip. Great movie, I recommend it highly.

It was one of those films I never saw from the beginning until the internet came around. I always seemed to end up tuning in part way through.
