You know how I would've ended it?

I would have added one more scene after the last one, showing the Mayor giving a tour through the church to a group of people, and telling a story about the painting. And then, after that, he shows the final painting: depicting Stefano dying.


Ha ha, I would have wanted an ending like that, although the one there is it's eerie on it's own right. Overall, pretty good and scary movie, but the plot should've been tied a little bit more. It left some ilogical moments, like Stefano not rushing in after witnessing his friend's death; or Stefano abandoning the teacher in the death house when she wanted to tag along with him. But, anyway, good movie.


Not a bad idea...but a bit formulaic :)

Amazing film though - took far too long to get going but the ending is engrained in my mind!


lol, that would have to be the cheeziest way of ending this... Not in keeping with the rest, but a decent ending, and would have made it more interesting.

"No man is just a number"


Does anyone think that maybe Stefano was saved in the end? Just before the end credits roll, a police siren can be heard - who had already been called by the short guy.


Yes...and a mysterious hand is placed on a tree...

I imagine though grybop that he called the police merely to pick up Stefano's dead body. :( After all, they didn't take any notice of the jawbone that surfaced when they were digging for human remains earlier (unless they were a little dim in their observation of the ground).


Yeaaaaah, I guess you must be right. :(

