MovieChat Forums > Carrie (1976) Discussion > I'm glad they casted adults and not teen...

I'm glad they casted adults and not teens in the film....

I think Sissy Spacek captured the nature of a teenaged girl- even though she was a young adult woman. I don't think it mattered that they had adults as teens. Because frankly,very few teenagers can really hold a movie like this. Otherwise it would look like the Disney Channel. Its not reality- its a movie, and its more the way they act than just their appearance in age- which conveys they are teenagers

Also have Y'all seen teenagers from the 1970s? Most of them looked 28 anyway.


I can see what you're saying but, I don't know, would it have really hurt if they hired, say, a 19-year old? Though, yeah, some of the actors looked okay as teenagers, though it was a bit of a mixed bag. For example, Noelle North and the guy who played Tommy's best friend looked too old, even by 1970's standards. They looked like they were in their 30's or 40's!
And Edie McClurg looked a bit old, though she didn't look that much older than most of the other actors.


My main concern is that its well cast and the actors are right for the part. There's no law that says someone must be the exact age they are playing. People often play older parts and younger parts. No one looked 40ish. There is something called age range. Usually people don't look remarkably different from their late teens, until they hit mid 30s or so. Most of the time people well into their 20s could easily fit teen roles . The movie was perfectly cast, IMO. The actors were well suited to their parts . You have to use your imagination. If they had cast people the exact age of the characters who couldn't act, what good would that be?


I like that they cast older actors to play younger roles.


The people that seem to have the main issue with adults playing teens, is teenagers themselves. I guess they don't want to admit that they are only a short time away from being "old", lol.



Most high school films don't use teens because its tricky with minor laws. I'd prefer it that way. If you watch real teenagers trying to act it usually comes off as more sophmoric.


I never really thought about how old they looked. They looked young to me so I thought it was believable they were high school students. It seems that people here are only nitpicking age because they know how old the actors truly were. And even then, most of the actors in this movie were only 4-6 years away from their "teens years". Dont be petty.


They looked between 19-30 to me.


Also I think most teenagers are sort of naive and don't really know a lot about the world because most haven't experienced enough yet. To them heartbreak is when the boy they have a crush on in math class doesn't even look in their direction. They can't really comprehend the deeper meanings of the story and characters' motivations as well as adults can. I think it comes across as more authentic because adults have more life experience so they can comprehend how people would feel in certain situations a lot more.

I hope that made a little bit of sense. Sometimes I have trouble articulating my thoughts and putting them into words.



On the flip side, the actress who played the gym teacher Miss Collins--Betty Buckley--was only about 28, yet she was playing someone who looked closer to 40.


Many movies and TV shows cast actors in their twenties and sometimes their thirties as teenagers. One of the reasons is child labor laws.


Also, they tend to act better than actual teens.
