MovieChat Forums > Carrie (1976) Discussion > Did The Film Ever Explain...

Did The Film Ever Explain...

Did the film ever explain exactly how Carrie and her date became the prom king and queen?

The only way for Carrie's bully's to get her on stage would be if she won.

Was the whole crowd in on the prank to some extent?


Yes. The film explained it very well.

Chris, Billy, Freddy, Kenny and Norma were the only ones in on the prank.

Freddy tells Beak that he wants to collect ballots for king and queen as Chris looks on.

Freddy and Norma pick up the ballots, then go to the side of the stage to kiss. Freddy drops the actual ballots behind Norma as she kicks them under the stage. She pulls fake ballots from inside Freddy's jacket, drops them off at the judges table, then goes by the stairs to the stage that Chris and Billy are under, knocks twice on the stairs, and gives the 'OK' sign.


Wow, thanks for that.

But then that means the crowd wasn't in on the prank. Monstrous deed Carrie did there.


But then that means the crowd wasn't in on the prank. Monstrous deed Carrie did there.

No. The crowd wasn't in on it.

I think the "monstrous deed Carrie did" was also a big point.
I think the scene is meant for the viewer to look at with ambivalence.

On one hand, Carrie is fighting back the only way she knows how against those who have bullied and picked on her. Throughout the film, we sympathize with her, and almost cheer when she attacks back at her tormentors.

On the other hand, she is murdering everyone there, even those that didn't deserve her wrath.

The bullied becomes the bully. In the end, when it's all said and done, Carrie is a mass murderer.


It was only a couple people that were in on the prank. There were a lot of innocent victims at that prom.


Wow, thanks for that.

But then that means the crowd wasn't in on the prank. Monstrous deed Carrie did there.

I take it you haven't seen the movie. The scene where the votes are switched was very clear.


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