
elizabeth..she didn't suffer from a stroke did she? I clearly heard bones crack or something. any input?


I wondered about that scene too. I agree, I heard bones crack also.

But the family didn't seem to notice this! Unless they figured she had a stroke & fell?

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


so the house hurt elizabeth, the house locked the kid's window and turned on the gas, the house made the father try drown the kid, the house possesed the mom, the house made dead plants come back to life....thats one hell of a house. Classic flick, creepy.


Yep, it did all that...and the creepiest part is it did this to 'suck the life from them'.
It used their negative energy, literally, to repair itself. The more hurt & awful they felt...the stronger the evil/house got.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


The house itself did some/all of that stuff, but it also took control of Karen Black and made her do some of that stuff too. Look what the house did to Karen's appearance in that final scene in the attic. That is one of the scariest climaxes in any movie.

And you have to respect a man who quotes Danger Mouse, right Fiatlux?


I always thought the noise of the bones cracking was her back breaking but someone told that in the book the noise was her arm breaking.


When I watched it for the first time, I also thought it was her back because it occurred as she was turning over in the bed.
In the trivia section, it's stated that it's her arm breaking. The house has made her so weak and brittle, her own arm can't hold her weight.

We've met before, haven't we?


I thought it was her neck or back, but that part was just creepy.


The house sucked the life out of its human occupants. Elizabeth "aged" considerably over a very short period of time. She appeared to be a fairly vibrant senior when she arrived. She ended up being nearly a bed ridden old lady before her passing.
Bone density diminishes as a person ages. I believe it was her back breaking due to extensive bone loss and aging.


love this movie Oliver Reed was great
