MovieChat Forums > Bugsy Malone (1976) Discussion > Did Florrie Not Like Scott?

Did Florrie Not Like Scott?

I was looking at her trivia section(surprised she quit acting in films) and I noticed they mentioned she didn't want Scott to hug her and would only stay at arms length with him. Does anyone know what the story behind this was? Did they get along in real life?


ya i watched this programe i think it was a bugsy malone reunited or something like that a while a go.anyway in da programe florrie herself said that she didnt want scott to hug her @ da scene when he buys her a gift in da car because all the dancin girls liked scott n he knew about it so he enjoyed being centre of attention but florrie noticed so maybe she changed her mind bout him while filmin bugsy malone!but she might've changed her mind now!i dunno!i hope i hav helped u!


Yeah you did, thanks for that info.......FINALLY!! I thought I was never going to get a reply. Thanks :)


i saw that program too.florrie said that all the dance girls kept talking about him because they fancied him and he started acting like he was full of hisself coz of all the attention.


Ya!ur welcum frodo!im glad i helped u!


I am curios why Florrie wouldn't hug Scotty, cos i bet all of the actors were really nice - you have to be if you wanna work in showbiz, cos you have to get along with people. i am a bit confused. maybe there is a secret reason about Scott and Florrie. can anyone help me?


if its a secet then i dont think so :D
